Monday, June 14, 2010

Cop story

People in situation:

Amanda- girl I was talking to
Hilda- Lady Amanda babysits for and I go to school with

I was at Hildas house yesterday and Amanda came over.  We were sitting on the couch writing notes on a dry erase board.   Amanda writes that she wants a drink and I said for safety reasons you can come drink at my house but you have to stay the night.  Hilda eventually comes and sits across from me and stares at me.  I ask her what’s up and she’s like what r u guys writing about.  We eventually get to what we said and she calls Amanda’s mom and Amanda didn’t come here.

So today, Amanda was watching hilda’s kids so I called over there.  Called every now and then to talk to Amanda.  Then Hilda gets home and calls me.  It goes like this:

Her:  whats up
Me:  nm whats up with u??
Her:  nothing I want to know why u are flirting with a 17 yr old.  You want me to call the cops??

Then she hangs up.

10 min later I get a restricted call and it’s the cops.  And they pretty much tell me that I had been called in on sexual harassment. 

Looking back on yesterday:

I remember telling Amanda that I wanted to sit on her lap, and sleep on her shoulder.   But isn’t that just flirting???

A few days:

She said it was her friend who called the cops….

The sad thing is I still think she’s cute….

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